My Story

Brady McDonald is a CEO, real estate investor, and ultra-endurance athlete. With a large multi family portfolio, and multi 7 figure businesses, Brady is a seasoned entrepreneur in the USA and Canada.

Driven by the belief that mindset is the key to success, Brady challenges himself through Ironman races and ultra-running, which has transformed his life in every aspect. He embodies the "Zero to 100" mindset, taking massive action and inspiring others to start their real estate journey.

Brady aims to create a massive community of individuals embracing the "Zero to 100" mindset, empowering them to accomplish extraordinary feats and live their best lives. With his inspiring and supportive approach, he motivates others to take action and achieve their dreams.


Our community is made up of individuals who refuse to settle for mediocrity. They are action-takers who want more out of life and are willing to put in the work to achieve it. We attract those who are looking to improve themselves, seeking financial independence and time freedom.

At Zero to 100, we believe in a different approach to strengthening our mindset muscle. Through engaging in physically demanding activities and facing adversity head-on, we build resilience, mental toughness, and a tenacious mindset. It's not just about theory; it's about actively experiencing and conquering the hardships that come our way.

By deliberately seeking out difficult situations, we train ourselves to adapt, persevere, and thrive in any circumstance. It's through these real-life challenges that we develop the mindset muscle needed to overcome obstacles, achieve our goals, and create extraordinary lives.

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